Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Build me a Pyramid!" - Part 2 of Working for Dick

He-Dog's response to "Working for Dick" and my shooting down his idea that a cloned super-genius could solve the world's problems:

He-Dog Wrote:
Space is already militarized. I don't know this for a fact, but I can read between the lines. Lasers, ray-guns, the whole shit, no doubt. It's probably the biggest secret of the government. If not already, very soon. Those are some arrogant motherfuckers up there in DC and I wouldn't put ANYTHING past them.

What I do know is astonishing and dismaying enough. I'm sure Northrup/Lockheed would like to own the super-intelligence, and may even have the initial version, but that cat is already out of the bag. Every country is racing for it right now and as technology evolves will get it, by hook or crook. I'm not optimistic that we will survive it for some of the reasons you highlighted.

I never thought of the Pyramids that way but you are absolutely right! That's why I usually appreciate your point of view, even if I don't completely agree with it. That's a terrific insight and should be the real way THAT history is taught instead of the [psychophantic] adoration we have of its builders. Everybody knows it is true, too, yet we persist in this bullshit view of the world. [Leaders back then] were way fucked up in exactly the same way that religious and political leaders throughout time, especially our own, are. Maybe humans aren't capable of waking up. It seems that way sometimes.

Crazy Horse responded back to He-Dog with this:
You know how these things work. if there is some new intelligence capability, it will be owned by Northrop and turned into a weapon or a threat of a weapon. Noam Chomsky writes how bush is already militarizing space. you probably know more about this than you can tell me. Pretty soon we'll have lasers and crap that can shoot from a satellite and vaporize large parts of terra firma.

I firmly believe super intelligence would have a net effect of zero at best in helping the world. and probably have a negative effect. look at the effect of Einstein on the world - Hiroshima. I don't believe there is an energy crisis or any other crisis. There's just control and greed. We've got plenty of natural resources and when we don't, we'll solve that problem, too. We're already smart enough to do that. It's the greed and competition that's killing us. Technology won't solve crap. Never has, never will. Eventually, we'll live longer - maybe 100 years, but by then we'll probably wipe ourselves out with a nuclear war, so it won't matter. You grew up in the cold war nuclear threat years. I didn't grow up with that, so you're probably hoping our super-intelligence gene can outweight our self-destruction greed gene. I'm less worried about it. I just see us always having near-misses and somehow solving our problems. I think we've evolved that ability.

Any technology from a wooden club to a stealth bomber is just another weapon with which the powerful can beat the weak over the heads. that will never change. look at what cultivation of crops brought us - the pyramids, which to me represent the most powerful guys subjugating the masses to build huge, stupid temples so that they, in their god-like delusion, could try and live immortally and get to heaven with all their belongings. What a bunch of shit that is. Think of the egos of those assholes. They actually believed their own bullshit that they were gods and would be going back to heaven with all their shit.

In Hollywood, they call that "buying your own poster." In other words, your so full of shit and so in love with yourself that you get in the car and drive down to the local mall to buy your own poster at Hollywood Video. Then, if that's not enough, you hang it on the wall over your bed, so you can admire yourself (and probably jack off to it).

You know those asshole Pharaohs believed that crap. And anyone who didn't help them build the Pyramids was immediately put to death in a very unhappy painful way and probably along with the offenders whole family being wiped away like a bunch of ants.

I'm not some great defender of the masses, but i don't buy this bullshit that we have to all live in constant fear of pick one: nazis, communists, Russians, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Darth Vader, or Elmer Fudd. If we stopped fucking with people, they would leave us alone.

That's my point. There's got to be a peaceful way to live on this world. Technology wrought by some uber-brain ain't gonna solve that. That's it, i guess. What do you think?

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