Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"He Is Our Father"

“He is our father,”
The young girl said of the General.
With Tears in her eyes,
Her face nearly bursting with emotion, she added,
“I hope he will be there when we march by.”

Her family swelled with pride,
Watching on TV,
As the marching soldiers
Paraded for the General.
“Look at that precision,”
Said her Mother.
“Their legs all move together,
Just like a machine.”
The whole family beamed.
Someone said,
“That is why the Arrogant Americans
Are even afraid of us.”
There was no irony,
No humor.
It was clear that
Was the glue that held it all together.
This was not Nazi Germany
Or Stalinist Russia,
Or some science-fiction movie
About a space Empire.
This was here
And now.
In North Korea.
This was a massive army
and arms buildup
A massive gun, already cocked,
and ready to go off.

I found myself
Looking inward
At my own fear.
What propaganda had
The leaders of my own country
To create fear in me?
Islamic Jihad?
Race riots,
The wall between us
And Mexico?
The falling dollar?

What had been done
To control me,
To secure my blind
Obedience to the status quo.
These people aren’t animals.
They are not any different from
You and me.
They are normal folk,
Trying to survive a day,
Trying to prosper inside a system.

They have the same genes
As you and me.
They have the same
Wants and Needs –
Compassion, Love,

And the same
And just like you are,
They are afraid to resist.
All would be lost
All Possessions,
All Property,
All Love,

Death to family members,
All at the hands of the state.

The young girl’s
Eyes were wet with tears.
“I hope Our Father,
The General,
Will come to see us march tomorrow.”
Her mother assuaged her fears.
“He is a very busy man,”
She said.

Who was this “General”?
This God-man,
This “Father,”
This Lover,
Who could move a teenage girl
To quivering
And Tears?

Who is this modern-day
Who erects massive armies
And materiel,
Placards and Pictures –
In his own honor?
Each “citizen”
Coerced and forced
Into Worship
Into Obedience.

It’s so easy to turn away
And categorize her
And her family,
And her country.
“They are brainwashed,”
We want to say.
“They are cretins,
Nearly Savages,”
We have to say.

But we have been there,
And we are there
As we follow our so-called
Into war
After war
After war
In the name of Peace
And Democracy
When we have none.

Spilling the blood
Of our daughters
And sons.
Leaving rotting corpses
In the ground
For American domination
And Control
Of the
“Free” world.

I search my soul
For an exception
To Non-violence
And can find
I search my soul
For an end to
A half-trillion dollar
Annual “defense” budget,
Which should be called

I search my soul.
And can find none.
I can only hope,
As the beautiful
Young girl whispered
Beneath her tear-stained cheeks,
“I hope Our Father,
The General,
Will come to see us march tomorrow.”

I can only hope
We march
Well enough,
Machine-like enough,
To gain his favor.
To secure
Life and liberty
For us all
For our families.

One can only hope
He is not too busy
To see us march,
And marching well.
This modern-day Pharaoh,
This god-man,
This Father, General,
One can only hope
We are worthy
Of his eyes.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"He's a God now."

Remember Easter Island - that pacific atoll that has the big stupid stone heads, no trees, no animals, and no people. Well, they've figured out that the stone heads were the ancient equivalent of an arms race where the tribal kings drove their people to build more and more of these pointless and stupid stone head monuments to their king to prove that their king was the ultimate chief of the island and was the chosen one - chosen by the gods to rule over all the island and all the other kings and chieftans - 'cause he had the biggest head, I guess.

The problem was that they cut down the trees to use them to roll the stones from the quarry to the hills and beaches where they could be (and still are) prominently displayed - just like the stupid-ass Pyramids in Egypt.

After all the trees were cut down - every last one, the topsoil washed off the island due to all the tropical downpours and no tree roots to hold the soil together. There went their crops and food for their animals.

Then, they couldn't build new canoes (no trees), so they couldn't fish or escape to another habitable island - everyone - every man, woman, and child died within a few years of the last tree falling. And can you imagine what those last few years were like - really pleasant I'll bet. Try, cannabalism, war, torture, human sacrifice to the supposedly angry gods. Oh, I bet Easter Island wasn't quite the vacation garden spot it is now that big, fat tourists like to flock to and take amazing pictures of these stupid heads.
Oh, I'm sorry, am I insulting the Moai national heritage? Too bad; your national heritage is as stupid as mine. Read on.

Imagine this scene: 2 workers are preparing to cut down the last tree on Easter Island. They look around, axes in hand, and realize they're standing next to the very last tree on their Earth. Then the King's overseer cracks his whip on their asses. The two grass-skirt wearing workers shrug their shoulders, knowing full well that they're doomed, and then they cut down the tree.

Look at this dickhead chieftan:

Doesn't look too bright to me. Doesn't look like the "chosen one," does he?
Easter Island is a perfect microcosm of earth - and exactly what we are currently engaged in. Pretty soon, Earth will be full of monuments to kings and presidents (like Reagan who made America a shit-hole place to live for a lot of normal working people) and asshole pharaohs, and it will have no food, no oil, and no humans. Pretty grim, huh? It's all true about Easter Island. Jared Diamond wrote a book about it.

Imagine some aliens coming to Earth and finding all these monuments we've built and no humans.
Speaking of the asshole pharaohs and pyramids, there's this great line in the movie "Caligula."

Caligula, the bloody lunatic god-delusional Roman emperor, commands the Roman Senate on pain of death to vote unanimously that they believe that Caligula is a God and to ratify the fact as a Roman law.

Fearing for their necks, the Senate goes ahead and passes a law that Caligula is indeed a god (and anyone who doesn't like it is dead meat).

The awesome scene in the movie is when right after the law is passed, one of the Senators turns to his aide in utter disgust, rolls his eyes, and says in regards to Caligula,

"He's a god now."
"Viddy well, brother!"

The look of absolute nausea on the senator's face and the dripping sarcasm in his tone of voice are friggin' priceless. The senator knows they just went from the frying pan to the fire now that Caligula is going to be more of a lunatic than ever now that he is offically a god - in his own mind anyway.

That one scene embodies the entire history of civilization, politics, and human power for me. I'm a born cynic. I feel like that Senator when i look at any human leader or endeavor.
Humans are so full of shit. Myself included.

I guess my mission in life is to just remind people now and then that we're all completely full of shit. As long as you aknowledge that, then things start to make a lot more sense to me and the world feels a whole lot safer.

Just don't bullshit me that one group of humans is sacred or good and another group are evil. That is the most dangerous horseshit that ever got flung.

That is, it's the most harmful meme ever concocted, and George Lucas should be strung up by his nuts for making such a black and white series of stupid ass movies called Star Wars. Give me a fucking break - the black helmeted bad people versus the white robed goodies and the good spirit (the force). Fuck off.

That's just what people fucking believe about earth, too. Why do you think it's the best-selling movie ever made?

Every group on Earth thinks they are the good ones, they are ones chosen by the gods or God or whatever you want to call him. They're not. You're not, I'm not, we're not. Nobody is.

The US still teaches every child in school about Manifest Destiny - the idea the god almighty chose the fledgling United States to be the ones to GENOCIDE the American Indians and to populate the entire (good parts) of the North American continent. Yes, little children it's okay to genocide bad people, especially when they're described in the Declaration of Independence as "merciless Indian savages." Especially when God tells you to.

"Build me a Pyramid!" - Part 2 of Working for Dick

He-Dog's response to "Working for Dick" and my shooting down his idea that a cloned super-genius could solve the world's problems:

He-Dog Wrote:
Space is already militarized. I don't know this for a fact, but I can read between the lines. Lasers, ray-guns, the whole shit, no doubt. It's probably the biggest secret of the government. If not already, very soon. Those are some arrogant motherfuckers up there in DC and I wouldn't put ANYTHING past them.

What I do know is astonishing and dismaying enough. I'm sure Northrup/Lockheed would like to own the super-intelligence, and may even have the initial version, but that cat is already out of the bag. Every country is racing for it right now and as technology evolves will get it, by hook or crook. I'm not optimistic that we will survive it for some of the reasons you highlighted.

I never thought of the Pyramids that way but you are absolutely right! That's why I usually appreciate your point of view, even if I don't completely agree with it. That's a terrific insight and should be the real way THAT history is taught instead of the [psychophantic] adoration we have of its builders. Everybody knows it is true, too, yet we persist in this bullshit view of the world. [Leaders back then] were way fucked up in exactly the same way that religious and political leaders throughout time, especially our own, are. Maybe humans aren't capable of waking up. It seems that way sometimes.

Crazy Horse responded back to He-Dog with this:
You know how these things work. if there is some new intelligence capability, it will be owned by Northrop and turned into a weapon or a threat of a weapon. Noam Chomsky writes how bush is already militarizing space. you probably know more about this than you can tell me. Pretty soon we'll have lasers and crap that can shoot from a satellite and vaporize large parts of terra firma.

I firmly believe super intelligence would have a net effect of zero at best in helping the world. and probably have a negative effect. look at the effect of Einstein on the world - Hiroshima. I don't believe there is an energy crisis or any other crisis. There's just control and greed. We've got plenty of natural resources and when we don't, we'll solve that problem, too. We're already smart enough to do that. It's the greed and competition that's killing us. Technology won't solve crap. Never has, never will. Eventually, we'll live longer - maybe 100 years, but by then we'll probably wipe ourselves out with a nuclear war, so it won't matter. You grew up in the cold war nuclear threat years. I didn't grow up with that, so you're probably hoping our super-intelligence gene can outweight our self-destruction greed gene. I'm less worried about it. I just see us always having near-misses and somehow solving our problems. I think we've evolved that ability.

Any technology from a wooden club to a stealth bomber is just another weapon with which the powerful can beat the weak over the heads. that will never change. look at what cultivation of crops brought us - the pyramids, which to me represent the most powerful guys subjugating the masses to build huge, stupid temples so that they, in their god-like delusion, could try and live immortally and get to heaven with all their belongings. What a bunch of shit that is. Think of the egos of those assholes. They actually believed their own bullshit that they were gods and would be going back to heaven with all their shit.

In Hollywood, they call that "buying your own poster." In other words, your so full of shit and so in love with yourself that you get in the car and drive down to the local mall to buy your own poster at Hollywood Video. Then, if that's not enough, you hang it on the wall over your bed, so you can admire yourself (and probably jack off to it).

You know those asshole Pharaohs believed that crap. And anyone who didn't help them build the Pyramids was immediately put to death in a very unhappy painful way and probably along with the offenders whole family being wiped away like a bunch of ants.

I'm not some great defender of the masses, but i don't buy this bullshit that we have to all live in constant fear of pick one: nazis, communists, Russians, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Darth Vader, or Elmer Fudd. If we stopped fucking with people, they would leave us alone.

That's my point. There's got to be a peaceful way to live on this world. Technology wrought by some uber-brain ain't gonna solve that. That's it, i guess. What do you think?

Let the Oil Wars Begin - Putin and Medvedev Learn From Bush/Cheney

Russian President Dmytri Medvedev and his mentor and former President, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin are now learning the tricks of the trade from the White House and the Bush presidency.

"Ethnic cleansing," Medvedev accused Georgia of, as well as attacking Russian citizens in South Ossetia. Does anyone believe this any more than they believed Saddam Hussein aided his arch-enemy Osama Bin Laden with the 9/11 planning and attacks, any more than the world believed Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Georgia President Mikheil Saakashvili fired back the same accusations at Russia: "They are engaged in ethnic cleansing."

Russia said Georgia attached "Russian Citizens," which prompted their necessary response with military force.

Georgia said Russia "Invaded Georgia."

The news reporters on the ground from the BBC, CNN, and the wire services did nothing over the past 3 days to clarify who is the aggressor, who is the defender.

One thing Putin and his toy, Medvedev, learned from the White House is the "new terminology of bullshit" of the 21 st Century. They demonstrated this by calling the Russian Army "The Peacekeepers." Why are they "Peacekeepers?" Because President Medvedev said so. Are they any different from the Red Army that has existed for the past 100 years? No. Can one tell by looking at divisions of Russian Army soldiers and Battalions of Russian Army Tanks which ones are the "Army" and which ones are the "Peacekeepers?" No. Are some of the tanks painted with red crosses or something? No, not according to the footage on the news reports.
Here's what you DO NOT want to see coming down your street - a friendly Russian "Peacekeeper" tank like this one... "Holy shit, Batman!"

Do some of the soldiers wear the powder blue helmets of the UN "Peacekeepers?" No, and even if they did wear rainbow colored helmets, would that make them somehow more peaceful? Not necessarily. So how do we know which ones are the aggressive, attacking, forward-moving army and which ones are the Peacekeepers. We don't. But Medvedev said so. That's kind of like Bush calling the invasion and colonization of Iraq "Operation Iraq Freedom."

So for 3 days the world has watched sound bites on the news of both sides accusing the other side of aggression. To his benefit, Georgian President Saakashvili immediately called for a cease-fire and an end to the killing. 2000 people were reportedly dead. Videotape showed footage of apartment buildings that had holes blown through them. If Russia's "Peacekeepers" are coming to rescue Russian citizens, why are they blowing holes in apartment buildings where civilians live, presumably some of them of Russian heritage?

Here's a nice apartment building in pieces, thanks to the "Russian Peacekeepers" handiwork in Georgia. Maybe they should be called "Piece-keepers":

After a couple of days of this going round and round with no idea who was doing what to whom, I caught a small report on BBC news that described the oil and gas pipelines running from Baku on the Caspian sea through Georgia and to the Black Sea ports in Georgia and Turkey, which are open to export oil and gas to the rest of the world.

1 million barrels of oil per day is what the new oil pipeline will carry. There are also train lines carrying up to 50,000 barrels of oil per day. I don't know how much natural gas is being piped across Georgia everyday. Then, lo and behold, there was another small, "unrelated" story on CNN about an oil pipeline catching fire and burning for 2 days right outside of the Tiblisi, the capital of Georgia. CNN called the story, quote - unquote "unrelated." What does that mean? How do they know it's unrelated? They never said.

Hmm, what an amazing set of coincidences. It's almost like deja vu.

So, all bullshit aside, Russian tanks are rolling into a former Russian republic that has millions of barrels of oil per day flowing through it, a republic that now wishes to leave the Soviet sphere of influence and join NATO, and presumably the European Union. Hmm, amazing coincidence that Georgia would choose this opportune moment in their history to attack ethnic Russians and engage in "ethnic cleansing."

Here's a theory: How about, Putin, who laid claim to the North Pole, yes, the North Pole where Santa Clause lives, is now laying claim to Georgia. As Russia's President, Putin last year claimed that the continental shelf extended from Russia through the super rich oil and mineral fields of the North Pole and therefore, those lands were Russian. This was the 2nd time Russia attempted to claim those lands as their own; even though, they are currently administered by the International Seabed Authority and the UN has repeatedly denied the land belongs to Russia.
Even Santa Clause is not safe from Russian and American "Peacekeeper" forces and their grab for "21st Century" oil. The next war may be fought over Santa Clauses' workshop at the North Pole. This could be devastating to children everywhere, not to mention Toys R Us...

And now, just a year later, Putin, now Prime Minister of Russia is sending "Peacekeepers," albeit Tanks and Soldiers, into one of the richest oil producing and carrying former Soviet states, Georgia. There have been wars fought over these oil fields in Baku and Georgia before. You may remember US General Patton trying to beat Hitler to these oil fields in 1944 in fear that if Germany secured the Baku oil fields, they might have enough fuel to win World War II.

So what have the Russians learned from the White House? Exactly what George W. Bush accused them of:

"Russia has invaded a sovereign neighboring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people. Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century."
That is exactly what the US is currently doing in Afghanistan and Iraq, with Iran soon to follow. It's exactly what Reagan did in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. It's what other US Presidents did to Cuba, the Philippines, Palestine, Serbia, etc. And why did the US do that "unacceptable in the 21st century" behavior? Oil (or other valuable resources) and control.

Let me see, what is a 1 Million barrel per day oil pipeline worth? Well, if oil is at $130/barrel, that's, let me see, ugh, $130 Million per day. Huh? What is it worth?

One hundred and thirty million dollars. PER DAY. One hundred and thirty million dollars per day. Is that worth Russia risking angry words (and no action) from George W. Bush?

Well, that and much more, was certainly worth it when the Bush/Cheney administration decided to ignore the condemnation of the world community and the UN and invade the sovereign state of Iraq, the owner of the 2nd largest oil deposits in the world behind Saudi Arabia.

So what has Putin and his boy, Medvedev learned? They've learned, world opinion be damned, our strategic and national interests demand access to crude oil, so in we're going.

And thus, the "Oil Wars of the 21st Century" begin. Stand by for World War III.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Working For Dick

This is Dick.

My cousin He-Dog suggested the idea that he could use cloning to “breed” a super-intelligent super-human that would be able to solve all the world’s problems by virtue of his or her super-intelligence.

My immediate gut reaction to this was to say to him, “Don’t waste your time. We don’t need super-intelligence to figure out how to solve the world’s problems. We all know the answers to the world’s problems. What we need is the will to employ those solutions.”

He-Dog didn’t quite accept my lack of enthusiasm for his plan, but I couldn’t really describe it either. Then I got to thinking about it. I’m sure the lack of a super-genius is not what’s keeping the world on the brink of destruction and a place where people are starving in the streets while others spend millions on living luxury lives. Surely, we know how to end wars – hot and cold wars. We know how to feed and house starving people. Surely, we know how to end suffering, we just don’t want to make the sacrifices to do so.

This is a matter of what, social contract? It’s ludicrous to think Communism is the answer. The idea that the state can be trusted to take in all the country’s wealth and dole out a fair share to all its inhabitants. You’d have to be a child to believe in that. States are run by people, people in power are easily corrupted. As they said about Nixon, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” So that’s no answer. Besides so much of the progress in the world seems to be driven by greedy entrepreneurship, so why destroy that with communism?

So, what about another form of social contract. You know, in most of the world, the citizens of a country realize they all benefit if the more wealthy help to take care of the less wealthy. In Britain, Europe, Canada, health-care and college are provided by the state (by taxes). This, in turn, benefits all members of the society. On the simplest level, if less well-off people are not driven to desperation, then crime drops (crime against all, especially the more well-off). Organized universal health care reduces costs. Restricting run-away corporate profits reduces costs. We’re talking about better lives, longer lives, and fewer wasted dollars. So, we’re talking about social systems of support. Social is an aspect of society. The word has been demonized as part of the “red menace” of socialist communism. Still it works in every industrialized country in the world, but not in the U.S.

So, it’s not a lack of He-Dog’s super-genius that is making the US and the world suffer, it’s the will to implement social support programs and make the world a more equitable, safe place to live. Who’s will? The will of the people, the majority of the population that would benefit from these programs? Well, if I’ve learned one thing in this life it is that people will ALWAYS do what benefits them and eschew that which harms them. That is the one universal truth.

So, does it take a cloned super-genius to figure out what is good for us? Hell no! That’s the last thing I need is some putz, super-genius or not, telling me what is good for me. No, we don't need that. It’s ironic that the idea came from He-Dog since he doesn't listen to anyone telling him what to do. He’s genetically incapable of it in fact. Some cloned super-genius wouldn’t get very far in telling him anything.

No, I don’t need that help. I’m perfectly capable of doing what is in my own best interest. We all are. In fact, we’re genetically predisposed by our successfully handed-down, i.e., naturally selected, DNA to choose what is in our own best interest. It may actually be the only thing we are capable of doing.

So what’s going on here? Do the math:

1. We’re all humans carrying around selected DNA for self-serving choice-making.

2. We live in a Democracy.
Democracy, even representative democracy like we have in the U.S., is defined as:

“government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.”

3. We, therefore, have “supreme power” to be “exercised directly or by [our] elected agents.”

4. Our “democratic” government must reflect our "supreme power" and do exactly what we all collectively want with our self-serving DNA.

Therefore, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = Our self-interests are served.

Right? No, wrong.

Our self interests are not being served.

The self-serving interests of the US public are not being served by the US government. How do we know this? Example, over 65% of the American public, according to polls, were against the invasion of Iraq. Then we invaded Iraq. Are the polls wrong?

Example, over 70% of respondents to polls favored full withdrawal from Iraq in early 2007. We didn’t withdraw. Are the polls wrong?

Everyone earning minimum wage in America has to pay for the lates in a long, long line of banking scams - this one the creative mortgage lending scams and the bailout of Fannie Mae. We also had to pay for the Savings & Loan Scandal, Iran-Contra, the 2, count them 2, invasions of Iraq, and the rebuilding of Iraq.

Did Americans vote on this? Did we ask to borrow a trillion dollars from China and other countries so that Halliburton, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Northrop, and the rest of the big corporations in America could get rich leveling and then rebuilding Iraq. Our children and grandchildren will be paying interest on these massive loans. Does that serve our best interests or does it serve the interests of the top execs and shareholders of those companies and the politicians they pay to elect?

Did we vote to give $80 Billion dollars in aid to the pharmaceutical industry? Well, we did it, and we paid for it. That was the first legislation passed by W. when he first entered office. Is the US Pharma industry in trouble. Are they not already posting billion dollar profits every quarter? Yes, they are, so why do you have to pay them and their executives and their lobbyists $80 Billion?

Why? What's the matter here?

I saw an interview that quoted an Al Qaeda member as saying there were no “innocent victims” in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. “America is a democracy,” he said. “It is a country run by the people.”

He went on to say that Americans had all voted to invade Iraq twice; had all voted to create CIA-backed coups in Iran and Iraq and all over Central and South America to destroy the “democratically” elected governments who didn’t align with what Washington wanted and to replace them with American puppet despots who did our bidding in the region. Of course these despots always ran governments of oppression, which always included serious human-rights violations against their own people. These include Saddam Hussein, the Shah of Iran, Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, and Chili’s General Pinochet. Americans had voted for that since America is a democracy and that is what America did; therefore, all American citizens were responsible for the genocide and aggression carried out by their agents - the CIA and these despotic dictators (like Saddam Hussein).

Maybe he's right. The dictionary definition of democracy, again:
“government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.” Our elected agents empower and run the CIA and the CIA-backed dictators. We're free to stop them if we want to according to the definition of democracy, and we spend all our lives bragging about what a great bastion of textbook democracy the US is, so maybe the rest of the world is listening. When we do international terrorism, we're actually boasting that we, as citizens of a democracy, are all responsible for and proud of it. Are we?

So, according to at least one member of Al Qaeda, retaliation on 9/11 was justly directed at the people responsible for the aggressions of the US. Is he right? And if not, why not? Are we not free to stop these acts? Are we?

But, wait a minute. I don’t remember voting to depose the democratically elected moderate government of Iran in 1959 and to install the despotic Shah.

I don’t remember voting to have Reagan take Saddam Hussein and Iraq off the terrorist list in 1982, so that US arms makers like Halliburton and GE could sell weapons and technology to build weapons of mass destruction, and chemical and biological weapons to him, so that he could attack Iran. This was right after our despot in Iran, the Shah got deposed by an uprising of his own citizenry.

The Shah of Iran and his family fled for their lives to the US and, of course, were granted asylum by the country that created them. They ended up living in Miami Beach, where I grew up.

I was sixteen years old when the Shah and his family arrived there after forty years of torturing and brutalizing and murdering his own countrymen and women (like we wanted him to; like Saddam Hussen did with our help). I remember reading about the Shah's 16-year-old son’s privileged life in the Miami Herald.

I don’t remember the details of the article, but I remember the tone – it was a fluff celebrity piece admiring the grand lifestyle of the Shah and his family as they tried to make do with their chauffeured Bentley’s, modest mansions, and private jets – quite a step down from the palaces and luxury in which they were accustomed to living in Tehran, Iran. (Much like Saddam Hussein's palaces in Baghdad.)

The piece in the Herald was written the way they’d write about Paris Hilton or Versace spending a million dollars on a birthday bash – admirable, fawning. I remember my dad admiring the Shah and comparing me, quite cruelly I must admit, to the Shah’s son, who was my same age. I immediately felt inadequate compared to that 16-year-old, who had his own Porsche and played tennis with tennis champion Chris Evert – like why didn’t I do that? That’s how we Americans collectively looked at this brutal dictator and his 40-year despotic reign over oil-rich Iran. He was just another celebrity on Miami Beach.

That’s how we looked at Saddam Hussein back in 1982, as well, when Donald Rumsfeld, special middle-east envoy to Reagan’s state department, personally flew to Baghdad to seal the deal to sell arms and biological weapons to Hussein. The same weapons we trained his army and aided his army in deploying with our helicopters against the Kurds and against Iran. I was too young to vote then, but I don’t remember anybody voting for that. Did you?

Those very same actions, supported and aided by Rumsfeld in 1982, and condemned by Rumsfeld in 2002, were what we tried and hanged Saddam Hussein for in 2006. Hussein is estimated to have killed about a few hundred Iraqi Kurds with our US-provided biological weapons back in 1982 (right after we took him off the terrorist list and armed him with those weapons and loaned him the helicopters to use them).

We’ve killed an estimated 1 million Iraqis in our efforts to bring Hussein to justice at the hangman’s noose. Even in junior high school, my math skills would have made that sound like a ridiculous proposition, not to mention the three thousand US and allied soldiers killed to depose Hussein and punish him for those few hundred Kurds - not that the lives of the Kurds aren't valuable, they are, but 1 million lives for a few hundred. Of course, those Kurdish lives were not valuable to our democratic government, so by the definition of democracy, we killed them.

Of course, Hussein, with US backing, also killed an estimated 100,000 Iranians. We helped him do that, too. Did any American vote in favor of any of these activities? How about the Reagan-era Iran-Contra deal where the CIA was selling arms to Iran to finance Contra rebels in Central America – rebels that overthrew, yes, you guessed it, democratically-elected governments in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.

I can remember my dad laughing about these issues. It was pure arrogance. We’re America. We don’t like governments, democratically-elected or otherwise, that don’t do what we want in our backyard; therefore, we have the power and the right to do what we will with them. Forget the rule of law - forget the U.N. and the Geneva Conventions, we're going back to pre-Magna Carta dark ages - might makes right. The powerful do what they want. Well, 9/11 is when we got paid back. I don't like getting paid back like that.

Well, if that’s the attitude of most Americans - that we do whatever we want because we're powerful, then that Al Qaeda guy was right about 9/11, i.e., there are no innocent Americans. We all deserve whatever retaliation is visited upon us. Is that so?

The U.N. condemned W's invasion of Iraq. The US vetoed the UN Security Council and announced, "We don't come to the UN because we have to, we come because we want to." In other words, forget the rule of international law, forget the precedents set by almost a hundred years of history of the UN established by Bush's predecessors in the White House. Forget all of it. Maybe the Al Qaeda guy was right. Of course the US justified its invasion of Iraq partly with the fact that Iraq had not heeded the UN's ruling to prove it had no WMD's, but then the US did not heed the UN's banning of the invasion. Convenient, isn't it?

I don’t think most Americans would vote in favor of all these illegal international war crimes and atrocities carried about by the CIA if we knew about them. We may choose to watch The Simpsons and the Super Bowl and discuss Janet Jackson's bare tit for weeks on end, and we may follow the latest gossip about Paris Hilton or Britney Spears panty-less crotch and hair-less skull instead of following what our government is doing, but if we had to actually vote, would we vote for these things?

When our own National Security Advisories warn that invading Iraq will lead, not to a decrease in terrorism, but to an INCREASE in terrorism against the US, would we vote for invasion anyway – without proof of 9/11 linkage, without proof of WMD’s? I don’t think so. Would we vote for continued economic sanctions and boycott of Cuba? I don’t think so. Would we now vote to invade Iran? I don’t think so. But the Washington propaganda machine will make us think Iran is the next country to threaten our very existence, and then maybe we would.

So, why do these things keep happening? Are the polls wrong? Do we live in a democracy? If third-world, poor countries like Guatemala can have a democratically elected government, why can’t we? We ‘re the richest country in the world with a million times the natural resources of most countries, so why is our economy in trouble? Why is the dollar dropping like a stone? Are we broke, or something?

Why? Are we poor? Do we not have a vast agricultural export business stretching thousands of miles from Sacramento to Maine? Why are our banks failing and our mortgages and jobs leaving us? Why?

Are the actions we are taking in our own best interests? Are we so stupid that we need He-Dog’s cloned super-genius to smack us around and make us do something in our own best interest, like brushing our teeth? Are we not capable of wiping our own assholes? None of this makes sense. If we live in a democracy.

But what if we don’t live in a democracy? Does it all makes sense then? Yes, it does.

What if we just think we live in a democracy, when in fact an elite portion of our society, say, less than 5 %, actually creates laws and international policy to benefit just themselves? What if they’ve gotten the power and kept it and they use that power to separate themselves from us, to create an ever-wider divide between them and us – between the haves and have-nots? What if they’ve re-rigged all the rules and tax laws so that their corporations can get their hands on all our tax money and use it to make their owners richer and richer?

Is there any evidence of this happening?

Well, yes, there is. For the last 25 years the public record will show cut after cut to tax rates for the wealthiest sectors of our society - people making over $200,000/year. Is that you? It ain't me.

Cut after cut for taxes on corporate profits, cut after cut on estate taxes. None of these celebrated "tax cuts" benefit the 95% of Americans leading average lives, but they have serious benefits to the rich elite who run the country. What would you do if you ran the country? Would you protect your own interests, the interests of your family and friends? Would you use your power to make sure your family was set for the next few generations? Would you? I would.

Or would you take a $1 salary the way JFK and RFK did? They said they were already wealthy and were there to serve the people. There is some evidence that that is true. They did do a lot for the civil rights movements and welfare programs for the underprivileged, but JFK was also responsible for CIA illegal terrorist attacks in Cuba (like Al Qaeda did at the WTC) and for invading Vietnam in 1962. So maybe he wasn’t as altruistic as his $1 salary would indicate.

What would you do? Would you set up your family, your friends, your corporation to stay wealthy after you left office? Would you try to keep the power in the hands of your allies, your friends, your sons? What would you do? Remember, power corrupts. Would you be able to maintain an even head when you could easily wield that power to get what you wanted even if it was possibly to the detriment of other countries and other Americans? Could you?

If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, who can we count on? Can we even trust ourselves with that power?

Wait, you say, didn’t Jefferson and the other founders create checks and balances in the government so that it wouldn’t be corrupt? Yes, they did, but do you think it’s foolproof? Some people wearing seatbelts die in car accidents; even when the car has airbags. That’s life. No system is foolproof. Systems need constant monitoring. How good are you at policing yourself? I’m not good at it. I speed every time I drive a car.

So, who should police the government? The government? Doubtful.

The New York Times? Laughable. The media is part of the elite 5%. The newspaper owners are going to do what makes them money. Going along with the powerful people in Washington and their pet corporations makes them money. They’re not going to help you. You’re a nobody, remember?

Who then? Big corporations? You mean like Halliburton, GE, Boeing, and Lockheed? Yeah, they’re going to help you keep an eye on the government and make sure the government is acting in your interest. No, they’re keeping an eye on the government all right, in fact they pay lobbyists millions of dollars to keep an eye on the government and to make sure the government is doing the right thing and selling arms all over the world and creating wars and “police actions” all over the world so that their shareholders can get rich. They’re not going to help you.

When was the last time you bought something from Lockheed? Do you think there’s a Lockheed store at your local mall where you can go in an buy a 60 Million dollar attack jet armed with all the latest satellite/laser guided missile systems. Maybe you and your drinking buddies can pool your poker money together and buy a $7000 toilet seat that was reportedly made for the US Air Force. Doubtful.

Who’s going to do it? You ever see that sign in a restaurant – bathroom is for customers only. Try taking a piss at the Lockheed store. "You ain’t a customer, get out!" The elites who run your government: "Piss anywhere you want, we’ll clean it up."

So, who’s going to watch the government and make sure they’re doing what we want and acting in our democratic self-best interests? Oh, I know, our elected officials. We’re a representative democracy.

Oh yeah, we’ve got all these knuckleheads we’ve elected to go to Washington and do our bidding. Problem is they’re rich, too. You have to be a millionaire to get elected in most districts in America. So whose interests are they looking out for in Washington? Well, not yours. Their own! And the interests of their rich friends. How do we know this? Because they have lunch (and trips to the Cayman Islands – where they keep their money) with the lobbyists hired by Lockheed and Northrop Grumman and Pfizer. And if they want to get re-elected, they had better take care of those lobbyists and the corporations behind them or they won't get any campaign money.

So, who have we got? We’ve got nobody, that’s who! Unfortunately, a democracy only works if you pull your head out of the sports page and stop looking for pictures of Britney Spears’ bared pussy on the internet. It only works if you research what your government is doing and hold it accountable – the way that Al Qaeda guy is holding you accountable. Do you understand that? The whole world is holding YOU accountable for what YOUR government is doing, and you don't even know what they're doing. They're writing checks, you can't cash. That's what they're doing.

Wait a minute, you’re saying, we’ve got busy lives. We can’t be bothered with keeping after these paper-pushing pinheads in Washington. That’s what we elected people for. And if the news media are in on it, where am I supposed to look?

That’s why I said, “research.” It ain’t gonna be easy. But the alternative is more 9/11’s.

If your wife wrote a check for $10 Billion or ran up $20 Billion worth of charges at the mall, you’d damn well track it down and find out why and make her take it back. Well, that’s what Citibank did. And Lincoln Savings & Loan. And Enron. And now Fannie Mae. And guess what? You are going to pay for it. Yes, you.

You are working for Dick. Dick Cheney and Halliburton and Enron. You are going to have to pay more and more taxes to bail out these failed companies and failed banks and the failed mortgages that they sold you. And you ain’t gonna’ be working a union-backed job at GM anymore at $35/hour; no, you’re going to be working at Starbucks or non-union Wal-Mart making minimum wage with no health plan and paying back 10, 20, 30, 50 BILLION dollars worth of fuck-ups by the rich elites and their corporations.

The CEO of Citibank got fired for losing 20 Billion dollars, of course, but only after he got paid off to the tune of 100 million dollars. Do you think GM is going to pay you 100 million dollars when it closes the SUV plant where you work? Doubtful.

Are we at war? Yes, we are. We, the average schlubs in America, are at war with the ruling elites. Only nobody told us the war had started, and they are kicking our asses all over the place. For how much longer? The war is going on so long its becoming institutionalized. In other words, they’ve changed the laws so much and got the levers of power so in their favor, that even if we did wake up and start fighting back, it will now take years, possibly generations, for us to right the wrongs they’ve committed.

Even if we stopped toppling governments and invading countries in the Middle East tomorrow (unlikely), the damage that has been done will still cause ill-will towards us for another 20 or 30 years. Even if we stopped spending billions on foreign wars today (not gonna’ happen), our great grand-children will still be paying back the debt we’ve incurred to go to war in Iraq. And where did that borrowed money go? Into the pockets of the executives and major shareholders of Northrop, GE, Boeing, Halliburton, Lockheed, Exxon Mobil, etc.

Just like the Marshall Plan to re-build Europe and Japan after World War II. Just like a similar plan to rebuild Vietnam after the Vietnam war. Where do you think that money went? It never left this country. It just shifted pockets.

$8 Billion was approved for rebuilding Vietnam. $2 Billion of it went directly to Chevron. That is a matter of public record. That’s money that left your pocket (actually the government took it out of your paycheck long before it had a chance to get stuck in your pocket) and gave it to some guys living down the street from you to compensate them for their company’s losing money on investments in oil infrastructure in Southeast Asia. They didn't go spend that money in Vietnam, they used it for themselves and their own company. This is what is commonly referred to as “corporate welfare” or “welfare to the rich.”

Yes, your hard-earned money at $10/hour and the hard-earned money of all the other people in your street, town, and city went straight out of your checks and into the pockets of the rich guys living behind the gated communities of mansions down the street from you. Sorry.

And Reagan went on TV - where he belonged, and bitched about the “Welfare Mothers” in the ghettos of America that were bleeding America dry. Like I said, research is going to be required. Simply turning on CNN not only won’t help you, but it will throw you so far off the scent you’ll never find your ass with both hands and a flashlight. You’ll have Reagan talking about welfare mothers and W. talking about "Mission Accomplished" from an aircraft carrier in San Diego 6 weeks after invading a defenseless country. You’ll have photo-ops and celebrity diet secrets and the runaway bride and Britney Spears’ panties.

Starting to get the picture?
Sorry, He-Dog, you also have to consider some uber-intelligent cloned super-genius would just be owned by Northrop and GE and turned into either a weapon or a super-weapon creator. Look what resulted from Einstein's genius - Hiroshima. No thanks.
Maybe Dick's the super-genius. We're all working for him anyway.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Word Is Mightier Than The Spear

The Pen is mightier than the Sword; or in ancient terms, the Word is mightier than the Spear. Just imagine the irreversible and massive social revolution that must have taken place with the advent of spoken words and ultimately language in our proto-human ancestors.

With the ability to chant, speak a couple of key words, and then to form concepts, phrases and whole sentences, suddenly the alpha male was no longer the strongest physically or the best hunter, but it was the best speaker. I hate to say it, but the best manipulator. Now you could get food, shelter and sex with the best partners with your ingenuity and your words. This marked the end of the domination of brute strength and physicality, and it was the advent or the precursor to the politician, the general, the businessman, the shaman, and the priest.

The TV never lies - "Breaking News --- Bush: One of the worst disasters to hit the U.S."
There it is right on the old boob tube; has to be true.

When fascism comes to the US, it will be called Patriotism (or simply, the Patriot Act).

Obviously, the power of the word still reigns supreme in our modern society; one only needs to look to a Pope or President or a Donald Trump for perfect examples. The Pope probably couldn’t feed himself if he was starving to death, but he wields control over tens of millions of peoples’ lives and has direct control over a vast wealth that some estimate is the largest fortune in the world. Past examples would include everyone from Khufu, who built the Great Pyramids at Giza, to Hitler to Gandhi. Being physically strong or tough could only take you so far. But being a good speaker, a good bullshitter, as it were, being able to lead others and convince them of the necessity or charity of your cause lead Alexander to conquer the entire known world over two thousand years ago. It is said that Hitler never personally killed anyone. Do you think Khufu ever chiseled or lifted and 80-ton granite stone? Do you think Donald Trump feeds and waters the cows that now produce his Trump-brand steaks?

The birth of language was the event that created the possibility for modern civilization as we know it today, not the birth of agriculture as Jared Diamond posits in his book, Guns, Germs, and Steel. Certainly the birth of agriculture in the Nile River Valley and in Mesopotamia over 15 thousand years ago allowed civilization to explode into the societal structures and religions we all still live with today, but it was language that created the shaman and the pharaoh – two sides of the same coin, who cannot exist one without the other. It all started before the first groups coalesced into the first villages on the Nile and the Tigris/Euphrates. It started with some hunter/gatherers expressing their belief that the good food and shelter was where they thought it was and getting the rest of the tribe to follow them. This would be easy for a Bill Clinton or a Gandhi born twenty-thousand years ago. Once they proved successful a couple of times, they could then utilize the strength and ingenuity of the best hunters and feed the whole tribe. Of course, the priests, shamans, and witch doctors would get on board (so that they could get fed and laid by this new powerful ally), and then the shaman (to serve his own needs) would most certainly endorse this leader as, you guessed it, “having come from the gods.” And thus, you have the birth of the pharaoh, the king, the prophet, religion, government, etc., all in one fell swoop.

At the same time, imagine the power that this suddenly gave to women, who had been relegated to the gathering part of the equation because their child-rearing, submissive bodies could never compete with the strongest alpha males in the hunt for food and shelter or in providing protection to the tribe/family. All of a sudden, women, who certainly have developed the powers of speech beyond any doubt, had just as much power as any man, i.e., Cleopatra. Here, supposedly is a depiction of Cleopatra trying out poison on her former lovers. How many Western women would love to have that power?

It may have taken 20 thousand more years for that power to fully come to fruition, but it’s quite apparent in today’s society, glass ceilings notwithstanding. Think of the power that a modern-day Cleopatra - a femme fatale has over a powerful uber-alpha-male. Anna Nicole Smith comes to mind, i.e., how a 2nd rate stripper from the panhandle of Texas earns $89 Million Dollars - marriage. She did that with her looks, but also with words and the seductive images they convey; not to mention the seductive, perfectly lighted and airbrushed magazine and TV images she appeared in.

Here are the top 10 searches of the New York Times web site in mid-2007:

1. sex

2. immigration

3. Anna Nicole Smith

4. China

5. Global Warming

6. Iraq

7. health

8. India

9. Obama

10. Iran

Not to pick on Anna Nicole Smith, as she is an easy target and admittedly beautiful (or was, sometimes), but the point is that language gave her power on a par with an oil billionaire who probably was in the office at 7:00 am for the better part of 60 years. Of course, to further illustrate my point, on the other side of the equation, this 89-year-old Texas oil billionaire wouldn't have been married to ANS if he wasn't loaded. He got that money by being a capitalist - nothing wrong with that. He has language to thank for it. 20 thousand years ago, the alpha male of his tribe would have used this old guy's ass for a hat while he took ANS out to the woods for a little mating ritual. Now, ironically, the only person who could knock this billionaire, and his heirs, on their asses, is, well, his all-powerful (thanks to him) wife. Can't blame him or her. It's DNA and evolution at work here. And just look at that DNA. Amazing what some peptides can accomplish...

Some scientists say that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon’s co-existed on earth way back when. That is, two different species of proto-humans were on Earth at the same time. It is generally believed that the Neanderthals were an evolutionary cul-de-sac that died out, while Cro-Magnon’s went on to greatness. It is also believed that Neanderthals had not developed the physical apparatus for speech that the Cro-Magnon had, so it is easy to see how their larger size and physical superiority was no match for Cro-Magnon’s ingenuity and deal-making. Nice bush!

Dr. Zaius quote: "Zero humans have the ability to speak."

The memes, or ideas, that were born with early language are still alive and kicking today. Hundreds of millions of people alive today still believe that their religious leaders (alive or dead), their kings, and their Pope still have some sort of god-given superiority – that they were born from gods or at least have some sort of Bat-phone connection to god. This is an idea, a meme, that has been kicking around since the first grunts about who has the right to lead us to food over 20 thousand years ago. Ideas like that aren’t going away any time soon. It’s so basic to our existence that it seems almost genetic, but it’s not. It’s memetic – or driven by the natural selection of ideas over the years. These ideas have existed and flourished throughout mankind not because of their veracity or accuracy but because of their power to survive. Just a like a cancer cell or a super-disease like HIV, a gene or an idea doesn’t have to beneficial to its carrier to survive, it just has to be good at replicating itself, and religion certainly is that. Religion, manifest destiny, god’s chosen people, etc., etc., all grow out of these ideas. They are not true, they are just good at replicating themselves. They do this through meme-complexes. For example, it’s not enough to just claim yourself a Christian (or any other religion). It comes with it an extensive laundry list of memes to which you have to subscribe. People joke about Catholics being cafeteria-style Christians because each person is only able to pick and choose of few of the rules they can handle from the ridiculously long list of rules (memes) handed down from “God’s infallible spokesman on Earth,” the Pope. Included in this list of rules (not just for Catholics, but for any religion) is the ubiquitous rule that all of your children must be raised in the same religion and indoctrinated with the same dogma, generation after generation. It’s not too difficult to see how this meme multiplies throughout the brains of a society generation after generation – 2 practitioner/believers become 4, becomes 8, becomes 16, etc., and that would be if people were only having 4 babies to every couple of parents. Obviously that is not the case since many major religions control the rules of sex and propagation, e.g., no birth control allowed. So 2 meme carriers (parents) are actually creating 6, 8, a dozen new meme carriers – each. It is said that membership of the Mormon religion doubles every 30 years or so, this is not due to converts. This is due to each couple creating 10 new practitioner/believer children meme carriers.

It all started with language. With one great, i.e., effective to his listeners, speech, Hitler sickeningly sent 6 million Jews to die. This is power well beyond even the imagination of any hunter/gatherer, not to mention any primate ancestor of ours.

With one banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished” and a speech from an aircraft carrier right off the coast of “oh-so-dangerous” San Diego, our child-President, GW Bush, can send thousands of Americans to die in a foreign country making him and the investors and CEO’s of the corporations that put him into office into rich men.

Ommission Accomplished:

This is the power of words magnified by the so-called Presidential Press-Corps, a bunch of spoon-fed stenographers, lead by The New York Times. This is memes incorporated. This is a Public Relations and Advertising Agency that puts the Hollywood publicity whores and super-agencies to shame.

Do you think that as the American economy goes into a tail-spin Osama and co. (not to mention the other investors in the Carlyle group like the Bushes and Cheneys) are laughing in their mansion in Saudi Arabia and saying, "We knew the Americans would borrow a trillion dollars from the Chinese to come after us. We knew they'd self-destruct if we just put a flame to the powder-keg with 9/11. Do you think the war profiteers in America are saying, "Good job, Osama, thanks for the kick-start."

This is no different than the pharaoh proclaiming he is a god and needs a god-like tomb like a Pyramid that took twenty years and hundreds of thousands of peoples’ deaths to build. And another pyramid for his wife, and another one for his animals, while you're at it. No kidding.

- The pyramids are falling down - figuratively, if not literally.

Every time I turn on a documentary about the Great Pyramids at Giza, I see they roll out some Egyptian expert, some Egyptologist, who tells us that beyond any shadow of a doubt, the Great Pyramids were built by paid workers, not slaves. This is another PR coup and it misses the entire point. The existence of Pharaohs, not to mention all-powerful Kings, Presidents, and a Pope, is the definition of slavery at its most basic essence. It is the deification of one man over thousands or millions of others because he can bullshit his way into it (along wtih his partner, the shaman)

Does it really matter if you call a Pyramid builder a “worker” or a “slave” when he is born, lives his whole life, dies, and is buried in the shadow of the pyramid, when his entire existence is owned and financed by the state, when due to his “social class” he is not allowed any other existence by the powers that be, when he is fed, bathed, housed, and clothed by the state to whom he owes his existence. Is he a slave or a worker paid in coins or food and shelter. He has no choice. The god-king says build, so build it he must. The President says, “Evil-doers,” so war we must.

Language gave us Plato, Gandhi, Mozart, Jefferson, Jack Kerouac, and the Beatles - the ability to conceive and express music, poetry, greatness, freedom, the pursuit of happiness.

- If you want to stop having Hitlers in the world, then stop creating a world that makes Hitlers out of people.
- John Lennon

Amazing, isn't it, that the gods we believe in seem just like the egotistical and all-too-human leaders we have right here on earth. Okay, let's say some big God in the sky did make everything, then why does his tender little ego need me to go to church every Sunday and worship him and constantly scrape and grovel and thank him for doing what he wanted to do anyway. What kind of an asshole is god, anyway? Sounds kind of like Nixon; or, you know, Hitler - some egomaniacal asshole that can't get enough praise to overcome his shitty childhood. That's the god you want to worship? No thanks. More likely, God created man in his own image, and then we returned the favor. And created a god completely like us. And then created leaders that mirrored the god we had created - crazy, egomaniacal, power-hungry, murderous assholes. Funny how that all works. It's the memes again - all connecting the same ideas.

Language and memes gave us Hitler, Alexander, Stalin, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, constant non-stop warring in the name of peace, slavery, and religion. Was it worth it? Can we control it? For every E=MC2, there is a Hiroshima. Do we continue to deify these talkers and let them have their way – build more beautiful and pointless monuments to slavery like The “Great” Pyramids, The “Great” Wall of China, World War II, The “Cold” War, etc., or do we gather together and reject bullshit when it is bullshit?

Let's end this tale with a couple of nice quotes to illustrate the power (and misuse) of words. So much for the separation of church and state...

"I believe that God wants me to be President." - GW Bush

"I would like to thank Providence and the Allmighty for choosing me of all people to be allowed to wage this battle for Germany." - Adolph Hitler

Heil Bush!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Finding A Woman Who Is Ugly Enough

"A couple years ago I read a post by an older farang man who responded to a question from a young guy who asked how to find a wife in Thailand. The older man said the problem is finding a woman who is ugly enough..."


Monday, May 19, 2008

Hemingway - True At First Light

Puu Priya

There is a virginity that you, in theory only, bring once to a beautiful city or a great painting. This is only a theory and I think it is untrue. All the things that I have loved I bring this to each time but it is lovely to bring someone else to it and it helps the loneliness.

Mary had loved Spain and Africa and had learned the secret things naturally and hardly without knowing she had learned them. I never explained the secret things to her; only the technical things or the comic things and my own greatest pleasure came from her own discovering.

It is stupid to expect or hope that a woman that you love should love all the things that you do. But Mary had loved the sea and living on a small boat and she loved fishing. She loved when we had first gone there together.

She never simulated anything this was a great gift to be given as I had been associated with a great simulator of everything and life with a true simulator gives a man a very unattractive view of many things and he can begin to cherish loneliness rather than to wish to share anything.

In Africa a thing is true at first light and a lie by noon and you have no more respect for it than for the lovely, perfect weed-fringed lake you see across the sun-baked plan. You have walked across that plain in the morning and you know that no such lake is there. But now it is there absolutely true, beautiful and believable.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

David Mikell - A Man In The Concrete Wilderness

Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything;
It just ticks off the possibilities.
Opens all doors.
You can walk through anyone that suits you.

- Jim Morrison

"I listened as the air escaped from the front tire and saw I wasn't far from the Bay Bridge..."

And so it goes, our own everyday battle with the cities of the universe to be the men and women we want to be, only to watch and listen as the air escapes from the front tire.

And we are alone, stranded in the concrete wilderness. Dwarfed by gigantic steel structures like the Bay Bridge, on which our daily travel and travail is dependent. Structures and institutions so large in scale as to compress the mind and squash our souls into dust.

And still we struggle to make the most of it - of the day, the year, our lives.

David Mikell is an artist living near Golden Gate park in San Francisco. His brilliant, colorful, alive paintings open up the doors of thought and feeling, as Morrison says, to "tick off the possibilities." And then my mind wanders through each one.

Here is a man who, when he is at his best, paints without fear.

Reminds me of Henry Miller's writing. Miller said, "There is nothing strange about fear: no matter in what guise it presents itself it is something with which we are all so familiar that when a man appears who is without it we are at once enslaved by him."

Here are some more of David's paintings.
Leave me a comment for his contact info.